Thursday, February 15, 2007

Okay I don't usually do these

I've been tagged... Here's how it works: "Each player of this game starts with '6 Weird Things about You'. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog!"
1. I like blueberry pancakes...okay I like to eat the little fake blueberry things out of the drives George nuts ( that's a bonus ;-)
2.I have a really messy car, and I pass the blame to Rhea, she is the queen of messy cars, except she doesn't have one anymore. I'm going to really try to keep the new car clean-er, maybe
3. I hate it when people stop the microwave and don't clear the time, nothing like looking over to see what time it is...ACK only :22seconds left! But I have so much to live for!!
4. If I'm at the end of a really good book, or somewhat close to the end (or I just can't stop), I will stay up all night reading it even if I have to leave for work at 7:30am the next morning. This is especially bad with sad books since my eyelids puff really bad from crying. Try explaining to non-book-loving coworkers, 'nono I didn't have a fight with my boyfriend, I just stayed up too late reading a sad book....yes really, because I like books'...and on and on
5. I have a tendency to pick expensive things, okay examples, if given a selections of items w/out price tags, I generally end up picking the most expensive wedding invitations...hehe, should we all wish George good luck? J/K he knows already and thinks its funny
6. I think it's fun to brush my horse when he is really really really dirty. I think it's because he has lots of white hair and I get some sense of accomplishment as I uncover the white. And no, I don't like cleaning inanimate things. I like to think that he appreciates it, when he's probably thinking, oh man! it took me a long time to work up all that dirt!

Okay there's some weird stuff, and I don't have anybody left to tag :-(


Emily Marie said...

Yeah, fun! thanks for doing it! Also I find the book thing very familiar! :)I don't know about you, but I couldn't think of anything at first and then as soon as I started, I couldn't stop thinking of wierd things about me! LOL

Mina said...

That is hilarious! You and I are a lot alike...all of your weird things are totally familiar! I don't have a horse to brush (tho I so wish I did!), but I love to clean something that really needs get that sense of accomplishing something really big!