Sunday, April 29, 2007

The great Northwest...

Out here in the great northwest we have lots and lots of trees.....lots and they grow kinda close together in some places. But don't let that detour you, if you are on a big strong scared horse, you will fit through the trees, or you will fall off the big stupid, I mean scared horse. In my case, I fit throught the trees with only minor injuries...oh and there was a stick impaled in my helmet, thats why you wear a helmet or it would be in my head! My horse is apparently 1100lbs of irrational stupidity, which is not easy to stop when he decides to take off, because the dog that he has known for the last five years startled him....He isn't usually so impusive, or energetic, but hey, it's spring, I guess the green grass got the better of him...and me...


Mina said...

Oh man! Your arms look sooo painful! But I'm glad you only had minor injuries! Hooray for helmets!!!!!

Emily Marie said...

Oh dear! Glad you are ok! unpredictable :)

nAnnie Laurie said...

big,bad trees - silly, scared horsie, delicate, damaged Lynnette - ouchie!! Hope you heal quickly.