Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Another day

It's nice here today, sunny and warm. We are making dinner, chicken and salad, George is cutting all the veggies for the salad. I had a meeting with some providers today. It went well, they like me. I went with two other people from work, it was nice to get out of the building during the day. We are still missing about a third of our more week and they get the polite nasty are you coming or not call. We found a fun place for the rehersal lunch, Kennedy School, it's McMenamins, we will get our own room so we can be as noisy as we want. I've been tying ribbon and little flowers on all the bubble tubes, why you ask? Now that I'm 3/4 of the way through I'm not really's taking a long time, aren't I supposed to have bridesmaids to do this stuff? But it looks cute. George is still working on the music, looks like it's coming along well. He leaves for TX on Monday :( back on Aug 6th, at least it's not the full two weeks. I think when August hits I'll start freaking out a little, for now I'm okay, George seems to be fine, if not he's hiding it very well. Okay, enought rambling time for dinner.
Oh and I'm only slightly obsessively checking Sarah's blog for baby updates...hint hint

1 comment:

Emily Marie said...

Hehe! You are tying ribbons because you want your bubbles that everyone blows to be the prettiest possible!! BUT if you want to wait to do anymore mundane stuff...I will be there on the 9th!!
Oh and Sarah and me and mom are going in tonight to induce. She might not have the baby until Fri but today is the day to begin!