Sunday, March 28, 2010

Unknown Followers?

Sooo for those of you we actually know that read this blog... I have to ask, who the heck are all the other people? I understand that our blog can be viewed by anyone, and I have the option of blocking people or making it private, but seriously? I seem to be blocking several new 'followers' each week. People that I don't know, have no idea how they found our blog, and can't trace or track them to anyone I do know! What's the motivation for following a personal blog of someone you don't know? Well, other than the fact that we have the cutiest baby ever and who wouldn't want to see pictures of her all the time, but other than that.....
Should I let these people follow? Should it really matter?


Anonymous said...

I don't know you but I do know some people just find peoples stories interesting, when I am bored I sometime read other peoples blogs. If you hit next at the top of the screen from the blog you are on it will take you to another persons. I was following this ladies journey through adoption which is truly interesting.

Shelly Cunningham said...

I have a few unknown followers as well. I just let them follow. If they want to read the crazy ramblings of this working twin mama, so be it! But you have to do what is most comfortable for you. :)

Lynnette said...

I guess my biggest issue is the followers I check on that have links to inappropriate websites with content I wouldn't want to be connected to! Other then that I suppose it doesn't really bother me :)

Emily Marie said...

yes, that is what I say. Check the follower, if they look ok, let them follow. I know I follow blogs of people I don't know. Mostly for recipes and coupon deals but there are two of amazing people that were recommended by people I know. You are doing the right thing by checking! :)

PapaOgden said...

Sounds kind of creepy to me. Maybe I am paranoid or just value my privacy too much. I will always restrict access to my blog site.

mlaval said...

I don't know you. I found your blog when I hit the next blog button at the top of the screen. I go through blogs when I'm bored and read through the ones that seem interesting. I follow the ones that seem to go along with my life. Mostly mommies. I don't think it's creepy to follow someone you don't know but I think you are right to check out who's following you.

*Stephica said...

Before I published my own art & poetry blog (centered around my band and experience in the Seattle music & arts scene), I read somewhere that if you wouldn't publish information on a billboard on the side of the freeway, don't publish it on the internet. It kind of freaked me out but then I figured that sharing my inspirations online shouldn't be threatening and if your family is your inspiration, let the world know!

I found your site randomly by the "next blog" link on blogger- searching for blogs and bloggers that may share my interests. Even though I do not know you, and I understand your caution, I support your courage in sharing what inspires you and your family.


Kate said...

Hey Lynnette - maybe I show up as annoymous, not sure! But yours is one of the blogs I like to read in the morning! :) Kate

The Menagerie Momma said...

I just hit the "next blog" button at the top of the screen and found yours this morning. If it bothers you that random people read your blog then you need to go private. I don't care if others read my blog so I'm public.