Monday, July 23, 2007

My Day

Because I know you are all clicking through the blogs hoping someone updated, here was my day:
Did not get up to walk at 6am like I have been, instead I slept in until 6:45, it was wonderful.
Left for work at 7:30, arrived and starting answering phone calls at 8am.
Answered phone calls, processed faxes, entered referrals.
Talked to a guy having a panic attack, almost threeway called crisis line, he calmed down, tried to set him up with a counselor, he decided to set it up himself.
Went to 'lunch' 12-12:30 (went to bank, went to UPS store, went to grocery store, whew..)
Answered phone calls, processed faxes, entered referrals.
Talked to panic attack guy again, decided he didn't want to make appts himself, wanted me to do it, wanted appt today or he was going to I called providers found one that would see him today..entered referral.
Answered phone calls, processed faxes, entered referrals.
Left work at 4:30, went to gas station, went to post office, went home.
Paid bills, balanced checkbook, update budget spreadsheet.
Cleaned bedroom, sorted laundry, started washer. Put away clean clothes.
Organized dresser drawers, started goodwill bags. Started new load of laundry.
Played with budget spreadsheet, forecasted future savings/debt.
And now here I am, need to switch the laundry again and hopefully I will be in bed by 10pm.
And I get to do it all again tomorrow. Not complaining, just a little venting...really ready for my vacation time in August.


Emily Marie said...

someday I should write my daily happenings. Some days it would not be a whole lot, other days would be just as busy as yours! That would be interesting, I should take myself a survey of just what I do each day... hmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Phew! What a day! Great job.