Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pictures from DC

Okay everyone, I've posted the pictures from George's trip to WA DC on the picture link at the top of the page. There were way too many to load on to blogger!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Ohhhh Ahhhh:

So if anyone likes to can peaches now is the time! We just picked up three boxes from BiZi farms on 119th. Boxes are 20lbs of peaches for $24.95. We did call around to some other the other farms and this is a good price. They have a couple different types but we got the Hale Havens. And they are so so so good! They are a sweet, full of flavor, free stone, easy to peel peach, great for canning. Usually they are a little green when you get them, but these are ready Now, so we will be canning them tomorrow :)
Pears are next! And we need to do a few more batches of greenbeans before they're done, but we're growing those here. Oh and we found out the chickens really like cooked greenbeans, and grasshoppers...
Georgie is in DC on an Army thing, he comes home tomorrow yay! He is having fun visiting with Sarah and Emily and the girls. He took the camara with him, so hopefully there will be lots of pictures to post. There's not a whole lot going on over here. I'm enjoying not having to go to the office! My fingers are hurting a little from all the weed pulling though...but my flower beds are looking much better. I'll get some pictures of them soon, but the camara is a little far away right now!


Saturday, August 23, 2008

boxes and tissue

If you were a cat you wouldn't be able to resist!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Off to the coast!

Well folks, can you believe it has been a year since our wedding? George and I are suprised it went so fast :)
We are going to Lincoln City for a few days and staying at Inn at Spanish Head, ohlala fancy. We'll be back wednesday 20th, then George is off to WA DC for an Army thing the 28th-31st

Friday, August 15, 2008

mmmm breakfast

So I hard boiled some eggs for breakfast since we seem to have a few dozen laying around...and it looks like some of our hens are really fertile. I cut open three eggs and look what I found!
Double yokes in all three!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Is it December 12th yet?

Okay, I admit it, I'm so addicted to Twilight....

I bought the first two books on Monday 4th, and I finished the fourth one last night. Now I feel like I'm in withdrawl lol! So to get my 'fix' I googled twilight and watched all the trailers and some other random fan stuff on youtube. She better write another book....

Is it too early to start planning a movie party? Four more months....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cool Fog picture

We had a lot of ground fog the other day, made the tree tops look like islands

Cousin's Wedding

My cousin's wedding was August 8th
It was a pretty setting in Indianola, WA and the ceremony was nice
My cousin Melissa has been with Aaron for several years, it was nice to see them finally make it official!

Aaron & Melissa Brown

Sunday, August 3, 2008

some changes

Looks comfy huh? spoiled kitty....

Okay, so most of my blog readers already know about the decision I have made recently. Because this is a publicly viewable blog I'm going to refrain from going into too much detail, but I gave my resignation to my employer on Friday, July 25th, my last day will be this Thursday 7th.

George and I have made our budget and are comfortable that we will be okay with my lack of income. It will be tight but do-able. I am nervous letting go of the security we have had for the last.....six years? But I really think this is a good choice, and it's always a little scary to take that first big step.

In other news....We miss Emily and the girls!!! The day before they left we took them to see my horse. The girls got to brush him and ride him a little. I didn't get any pictures but Emily and Nana did so hoepfully they will post some soon.

My sister is having a baby girl!!!! You can look at Jamie's blog for details :) I'm trying not to bombard her with frilly pink things, but somedays I just can't help myself!

The farm is doing great! Things are growing like crazy...including the weeds hehe, but I might have some time coming up to devote to weed pulling. My dahlias are starting to bloom too, very pretty!
Oh and the chickens are really starting to lay eggs now, I think we have 38 chickens and we picked up 20 eggs today! They all should be laying in the next couple weeks.