Yes, it's true, we're back! We took an extra few days and went to the coast. So, we started in portland, went to seattle, went to orcas island in the san juans, went to victoria bc, down through gig harbor, then home. We did TONS of paperwork tues and wed, then we went to lincoln city thursday and came home today! Whew! Ready for some pictures? I hope everything posts in the correct order!
Okay, here are some pics from Sunday morning, beauty hurts!
This is the closest one I have to an actual wedding picture, haven't gotten the photographers pics back yet.
View from our room in Portland -Sunday
View from our room in Seattle -Monday and Tuesday
Ferry ride to Orcas Island
View from our room at Orcas Island -wed and thurs
Top of Mt Constitution
Cool pic of our rings while at mt constitution
We went on a little hike while at orcas island, pretty view, and we were getting better at taking pictures of ourselves, not bad huh?
View from our good room in Canada.....interesting story, maybe later... -should have been friday, but was saturday
There are tons of cool pics from the gardens, I'll see about getting more of those up
No pic from the room at gig harbor, it was really just a stopping place so we didn't have to drive so far in one day- Sunday
We were home Monday afternoon, did paperwork for name change/banks etc on tues and wed
And a view from our room in lincoln city :)
Nice weather, no wind!
Thursday-Sunday, and now we're home
And I don't wanna go back to work!!!!!