Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bark dust

So I finished planting dahlias a few days ago, yay! George put up all my bambo stakes and I got the twine up to make a little fence around the beds, just to keep the dogs and such out. Two days ago we (as in my parents) decided to go ahead and get barkdust to spruce up the front yard and to use in a bunch of our paths for the garden to help with weed control. So, 12 yards of barkdust. Yup, 12 yards. For those of you with no visual reference, a standard pickup bed usually can carry one yard. Yeah, its a huge pile. I got started yesterday and managed to spread it on the front beds that I had weeded prior to mothers day. It looks so good now! I love how barkdust makes everything look pretty :) And no, I'm not over doing it even though I'm almost 7 months now. Yes I'm careful and not lifting heavy loads etc etc...
Oh and I was pulling weeds in the strawberry patch yesterday, which is looking awesome btw, and I found a new friend! I named him Charlie. He's going to help keep the critters from eating our berries this year. He's about 18", black with two white stripes and a little bigger around than my thumb.
Okay, now I need some East Coast updates you people! Get to it!


Emily Marie said...

you're talking about a snake aren't you? Yuck! Congrats on finishing the flowers! Glad you are doing well! I should update...however, I am fairly certain you were targeting Sarah! And I AGREE! :) Take care and don't work too hard! (I am sure you are sick of hearing that but...)

nAnnie Laurie said...

Neat! and welcome Charlie, too ;-)

Jamie said...

I hope "Charlie" is a snake and not a spider!

Olivia Heilmann said...

Wow you sound so busy. Take a break sometime... :P

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