Monday, June 1, 2009

New Moon Trailer

So I just watched the trailer for New Moon, it was good until the end. I mean the graphics are cool, but as soon as it was over all I could think was, wait that's not what happened!
Hopefully it's still going to be good. And I'll need a babysitter by the time it comes out! :)


A monkey and her momma said...

It's gonna be AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWSOME. I'm so excited!!!!!

nAnnie Laurie said...

on man! we have to wait until November to see the movie!!!?!?!? I'm gonna have to read the books again just to get my 'fix' -- hehe! I've honestly never been captured by a book(s) like this before -- they're so dang fun to read

Emily Marie said...

Yes it will be good!! And,Sarah, you have to read the book!!! Well number two is a little slow, but the rest are Grrrreat!

Jamie said...

Honestly, I didn't like the movie. I love the books, but the movie was rather 'bleh' to me. *hides from the fanclub*